• 1. Lei Sang, Honghao Li, Yiwen Zhang*, Yi Zhang, Yun Yang. AdaGIN: Adaptive Graph Interaction Network for ClickThrough Rate Prediction[J]. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, accept,July, 2024
  • 2. Honghao Li, Lei Sang, Yi Zhang, Yiwen Zhang*. SimCEN:Simple Contrast-enhenced Network for CTR Prediction[C], in ACM MM2024.
  • 3. Lin Mu,Wenhao Zhang,Yiwen Zhang*(通信作者),Peiquan Jin. DDPrompt: Differential Diversity Prompting in Large Language Models [C], in ACL2024.
  • 4. Yi Zhang, Yiwen Zhang*, Yuchuan Zhao, Shuiguang Deng, Yun Yang. Dual Variational Graph Reconstruction Learning for SocialRecommendation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE),accepted,April, 2024
  • 5. Yi Zhang, Lei Sang,Yiwen Zhang*,Exploring the Individuality and Collectivity of Intents behind Interactions for Graph Collaborative Filtering[C], In SIGIR 2024.
  • 6. Lei Sang,Weichen Fei,Yi Zhang,Yuee Huang, Yiwen Zhang*.Heterogeneous Adaptive Preference Learning for Recommendation[J],ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems, accepted,March, 2024.
  • 7. Li Ni, Qiuyu Li, Yiwen Zhang*, Wenjian Luo,Victor S. Sheng. LSADEN: Local Spatial-aware CommunityDetection in Evolving Geo-social Networks[J].IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), accepted,December, 2023.
  • 8. Yi Zhang, Yiwen Zhang*, Dengcheng Yan*, Qiang He, and Yun Yang. NIE-GCN: Neighbor Item Embedding-aware GraphConvolutional Network for Recommendation[J], IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (IEEE TSMC). accepted, December, 2023.
  • 9. Li Ni, Junnan Ge, Yiwen Zhang*, Wenjian Luo, and Victor S. Sheng. Semi-Supervised Local Community Detection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE),accepted,June, 2023. [源码下载]
  • 10. Li Ni, Hefei Xu, Yiwen Zhang*, Wenjian Luo, Yingying Huang, and Victor S. Sheng. Local Overlapping Spatial-aware Community Detection[J]. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), accepted,2023.
  • 11. Lei Sang, Mingyuan Liu, Yi Zhang, Yuee Huang, Yiwen Zhang*. Bi-directional Transfer Graph ContrastiveLearning for Social Recommendation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD),accepted,2023.
  • 12. Yunfei He, Yiwen Zhang*, Fei Yang* , Dengcheng Yan, and Victor S.Sheng. Label-Dependent Graph Neural Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (TCSS), accepted,2023.
  • 13. Hui Dou, Lei Zhang, Yiwen Zhang*, Pengfei Chen and Zibin Zheng. TurBO: A Cost-Efficient Configuration-Based Auto-Tuning Approach for Cluster-Based Big Data Frameworks. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), accepted, March 2023.
  • 14. Abednego Acheampong , Yiwen Zhang* , Xiaolong Xu. A Parallel Computing based Model for Online Binary Computation Offloading in Mobile Edge Computing [J]. Computer Communications,accepted, March 2023
  • 15. Yi Zhang, Yiwen Zhang*, Dengcheng Yan, Shuiguang Deng, Yun Yang. Revisiting Graph-based Recommender Systems from the Perspective of Variational Auto-Encoder[J]. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), accepted, November 2022.
  • 16. Zhaolong Ling, Ying Li, Yiwen Zhang*, Kui Yu, Peng Zhou, Bo Li, and Xindong Wu. Causal Feature Selection for High-Dimensional Data[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering(TKDE),DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2022.3218786, 2022.
  • 17. Hui Dou, Yilun Wang, Yiwen Zhang and Pengfei Chen. DeepCAT: A Cost-Efficient Online Configuration Auto-Tuning Approach for Big Data Frameworks. 2022 51st International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), 2022. DOI:10.1145/3545008.3545018
  • 18. Hui Dou, Jicheng Mei, Yiwen Zhang*, Pengfei Chen and Zibin Zheng. JointConf: Jointly Auto-Tuning Configuration Parameters for Modularized Graph Databases[J]. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 2022, 34(12):e2495. DOI:10.1002/smr.2495
  • 19. Hui Dou, Kang Wang, Yiwen Zhang*, and Pengfei Chen. ATConf: auto-tuning high dimensional configuration parameters for big data processing frameworks[J]. Cluster Computing, 2022. DOI: 10.1007/s10586-022-03767-0
  • 20. Li Ni, Hefei Xu, Yiwen Zhang* and Wenjian Luo. Spatial-Aware Local Community Detection Guided by Dominance Relation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TCSS.2022.3209976,2022.
  • 21. Zhaohong Jia, Li Jin, Yiwen Zhang*, Chuang Liu, Kai Li, Yun Yang. Location-aware Web Service QoS Prediction via Deep Collaborative Filtering[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TCSS.2022.3217277,2022
  • 22. Zhaolong Ling, Bo Li, Yiwen Zhang*, Ying Li, and Haifeng Ling. Online Markov Blanket Learning for High-Dimensional Data [J]. Applied Intelligence, accepted, May 2022.
  • 23. Zhaolong Ling, Bo Li, Yiwen Zhang*, Qingren Wang, Kui Yu, and Xindong Wu. Causal Feature Selection with Efficient Spouses Discovery[J]. IEEE Transactions on Big Data (TBD),accepted,May 2022.
  • 24. Dengcheng Yan, Wenxin Xie, Yiwen Zhang*, Qiang He, and Yun Yang. Hypernetwork Dismantling via Deep Reinforcement Learning [J]. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering (TNSE), accepted, May 2022.
  • 25. Yunfei He, Dengcheng Yan, Wenxin Xie, Yiwen Zhang*, Qiang He, and Yun Yang. Optimizing Graph Neural Network with Multiaspect Hilbert-Schmidt Independence Criterion[J]. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(TNNLS), accepted, April 2022.
  • 26. Dengcheng Yan, Yuchuan Zhao, Zhongxiu Yang, Ying Jin, Yiwen Zhang*. FedCDR: Privacy-preserving Federated Cross-domain Recommendation[J]. Digital Communications and Networks(DCN), accepted, April 2022.
  • 27. Yuanting Yan, Yuanwei Zhu, Ruiqing Liu, Yiwen Zhang*, Yanping Zhang, Ling Zhang. Spatial Distribution-based Imbalanced Undersampling[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE),DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2022.3161537,2022.
  • 28. Dengcheng Yan, Jie Cao, Wenxin Xie, Yiwen Zhang, Hong Zhong*. PersonalityGate: A General Plug-and-Play GNN Gate to Enhance Cascade Prediction with Personality Recognition Task[J]. Expert Systems with Applications(ESWA), accepted, April 2022.
  • 29. Yunfei He, Dengcheng Yan, Yiwen Zhang*, Qiang He, Yun Yang. Semantic Trade-off for Heterogeneous Graph Embedding[J]. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems(TCSS), accepted, March 2022.
  • 30. Qingren Wang, Chengcheng Zhu, Yiwen Zhang*, Hong Zhong, Jinqin Zhong, and Victor S. Sheng. Short Text Topic Learning Using Heterogeneous Information Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE),accepted, January 2022.
  • 31. Qingren Wang, Jian Lu, Wei Li*, Jing Zhang, and Victor S. Sheng, Homophily-aware Correction Framework for Crowdsourced Labels Using Heterogeneous Information Network[J]. Expert Systems with Applications(ESWA), accepted,January 2022.
  • 32. Dengcheng Yan, Tianyi Tang, Yiwen Zhang*. Session-based Social and Dependency-aware Software Recommendation[J]. Applied Soft Computing(ASC), accepted, January 2022.
  • 33. Zhaolong Ling,Kui Yu,Lin Liu, Jiuyong Li,Yiwen Zhang,Xindong Wu. PSL: an Algorithm for Partial Bayesian Network Structure Learning[J],ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data(TKDD). accepted. 2021.12.23
  • 34. Yanming Chen, Xiang Wen , Yiwen Zhang∗ and Qiang He. FPC: Filter Pruning via the Contribution of Output Feature Map for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Acceleration[J]. Knowledge-Based Systems(KBS),Volume 238, 28 February 2022.
  • 35. Dengcheng Yan,Wenxin Xie,Yiwen Zhang*,Qiang He.Heterogeneous information network based interest compositions with dual supervision for recommendation, Applied intelligence, 2021,11,accepted.
  • 36. Qingren Wang, Min Zhang,Yiwen Zhang*,Jinqin Zhong,Victor S. Sheng. Location-based Deep Factorization Machine Model for Service Recommendation, Applied intelligence, 2021,11,accepted.
  • 37. 颜登程, 储蓓,李冬, 倪莉, 张以文*. 融合全局和局部信息的端到端边分类方法, 中文信息学报,2021.11, 录用.
  • 38. Yiwen Zhang,Kaibin Wang,Qiang He*,Feifei Chen,Shuiguang Deng,Zibin Zheng,Yun Yang.Covering-based Web Service Quality Prediction via Neighborhood-aware Matrix Factorization, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), 14(5):1333-1344,2021.. [论文下载] [源码下载]
  • 39. Li Ni, Wenjian Luo, Tao Zhu, and Peilan Xu. On Followers Search. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems(TCSS), accepted,2021.
  • 40. Yi Zhang, Bo Hu, Yiwen Zhang*. Model-Driven Open Ecological Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning[J]. International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR), Volume 18 • Issue 3 • July-September 2021
  • 41. Lin Mu, Peiquan Jin*, et al. Detecting Evolutionary Stages of Events on Social Media: A Graph-Kernel-Based Approach. Future Generation Computer Systems(FGCS), 2021.
  • 42. Yiwen Zhang, Guangming Cui, Shuiguang Deng, Feifei Chen, Yan Wang, Qiang He*. Efficient Query of Quality Correlation for Service Composition [J]. IEEE Transactions on services computing (TSC),14(3):695 - 709, 2021. [论文下载]
  • 43. Yiwen Zhang, Chunhui Yin, Qilin Wu*, Qiang He and Haibin Zhu. Location-aware Deep Collaborative Filtering for Service Recommendation, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems (IEEE TSMC). 51(6):3796-3807, 2021. [论文下载] [源码下载]
  • 44. Yiwen Zhang*, Jie Pan, Lianyong Qi, Qiang He. Privacy-Preserving Quality Prediction for Edge-based IoT Services[J]. Future Generation Computer Systems(FGCS),Vol 114, January 2021, pp:336-348.
  • 45. Guangming Cui;Qiang He;Feifei Chen;Yiwen Zhang;Hai Jin;Yun Yang. Interference-aware Game-theoretic Device Allocation for Mobile Edge Computing[J], IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), Accpeted,2021.
  • 46. Yunfei He, Yiwen Zhang* , Lianyong Qi, Dengcheng Yan, Qiang He. Outer Product Enhanced Heterogeneous Information Network Embedding for Recommendation[J]. Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), Volume 169, 1 May 2021.
  • 47. Wei Li, Xin Wang, Yiwen Zhang* and Qilin Wu. Traffic flow prediction over multisensor data correlation with graph convolution network[J],Neurocomputing,2021,427: 50-63.
  • 48. Yi-wen Zhang , Wen-ming Zhang , Kai Peng , Deng-cheng Yan & Qi-lin Wu. A novel edge server selection method based on combined genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm[J]. Automatika, 2021,62(1): 32-43.
  • 49. 李炜,蒋越,闵江松,张以文,王庆人. 边缘计算环境下自适应移动路径感知的用户分配算法[J]. 计算机集成制造系统,27(9):2592-2603 .
  • 50. Zhaolong Ling, Kui Yu, Hao Wang*, Lei Li, Xindong Wu. Using feature selection for local causal structure learning[J]. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence (TETCI), 2020, 99: 1 - 11.
  • 51. Li Ni, Wenjian Luo*, Wenjie Zhu, Wenjie Liu. Mining the local dependency itemset in a products network. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems(TMIS), 2020, 11(1): 1 - ­31.
  • 52. Wu J ,  Guo X* ,  Yang G , et al. Substructure Similarity Search for Engineering Service-Based Systems[J]. Journal of Systems and Software, 2020:110569.
  • 53. 何云飞, 张以文*, 吕智慧, 颜登程, 何强. 异质信息网络中元路径感知的评分协同过滤[J]. 计算机学报,2020,43(12):2385-2397
  • 54. D Yan, B Qi, Y Zhang* ,et al. M-BiRank: co-ranking developers and projects using multiple developer-project interactions in open source software community. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2020:215
  • 55. Yiwen Zhang, Haishuai Guo, Zhihui Lu*,et al. Distributed gas concentration prediction with intelligent edge devices in coal mine, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EAAI), 92(2020)103643. [论文下载]
  • 56. Yueyue Xia, Xiangliang Zhong, Yiwen Zhang*, Yuanting Yan. Functional feature-aware APP recommendation with personalized PageRank[J]. International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, accepted, 2020.
  • 57. Qingren Wang, Chuankai Feng, Yan Xu, Hong Zhong and Victor S Sheng, A Novel Privacy-Preserving Speech Recognition Framework Using Bidirectional LSTM, Journal of Cloud Computing,2020 (Accept).
  • 58. Wang Qingren, Zhang Min, Tao tao, Victor S. Sheng. Labelling Training Samples Using Crowdsourcing Annotation for Recommendation, Complexity, 2020.
  • 59. Ying Jin, Weiguang Guo, Yiwen Zhang∗. A Time-aware Dynamic Service Quality Prediction Approach for Web Services [J]. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2020, 25(2): 227-238. [论文下载]
  • 60. 袁梦祥, 颜登程*,张以文, 周珊. 基于二部网络表示学习的矩阵分解推荐算法, 计算机集成制造系统, 26(6):1557-1563,2020. [论文下载]
  • 61. 丁汀, 颜登程*, 张以文, 周珊. 一种融合煤矿多维时序数据的瓦斯异常检测算法,计算机集成制造系统, 26(6):1651-1659, 2020. [论文下载]
  • 62. Yiwen Zhang, Chunhui Yin, Zhihui Lu*, Dengcheng Yan, Meikang Qiu, Qifeng Tang. Recurrent Tensor Factorization for Time-aware Service Recommendation, Applied Soft Computing 85 (2019) 105762. [论文下载]
  • 63. Li Ni, Wenjian Luo* , Wenjie Zhu, Wenjie Liu. Clustering by finding prominent peaks in density space, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2019, 85: 727 - 739.
  • 64. Zhaolong Ling, Kui Yu, Hao Wang*, lin Liu, Wei Ding, Xindong Wu. Bamb: A balanced Markov blanket discovery approach to feature selection[J]. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST), 2019, 10(5): 1 - 25.
  • 65. Li Ni, Wenjian Luo*, Wenjie Zhu, Bei Hua. Local overlapping community detection. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 2019, 14(1): 1 -­ 25.
  • 66. Ying Jin, Kaibin Wang, Yiwen Zhang∗, Yuanting Yan. Neighborhood-aware Web Service Quality Prediction using Deep Learning, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. Article number: 222 (2019) [论文下载]
  • 67. Xiangliang Zhong, Yiwen Zhang*, Dengcheng Yan, Qilin Wu, Yuanting Yan and Wei Li. Recommendations for Mobile Apps Based on the HITS Algorithm Combined with Association Rules,IEEE Access, Accepted in July 2019 [论文下载]
  • 68. Wenming Zhang, Yiwen Zhang, Qilin Wu *, Kai Peng. Mobility-Enabled Edge Server Selection for Multi-user Composite Services [J]. Future Internet, Accepted in August 2019 [论文下载]
  • 69. Kai Peng, Maosheng Zhu, Yiwen Zhang*, et al. An energy- and cost-aware computation offloading method for workflow applications in mobile edge computing [J]. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networkingvolume, 207 (2019)
  • 70. Yiwen Zhang, Lei Wu, Qiang He*, Feifei Chen, Shuiguang Deng and Yun Yang. Diversified Quality Centric Service Recommendation,IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2019). [论文下载]
  • 71. Xing Guo, Shichao Yin, Yiwen Zhang*, Wei Li and Qiang He. Cold Start Recommendation Based on Attribute-Fused Singular Value Decomposition, IEEE Access, 7: 11349-11359 (2019) [论文下载]
  • 72. 贾兆红, 王燕, 张以文. 求解差异机器平行批调度的双目标协同蚁群算法[J]. 自动化学报,已录用,2019.
  • 73. 夏月月;张以文. 基于三支决策理论的改进K-means算法,小型微型计算机系统,录用,2019.
  • 74. Lin Mu, Peiquan Jin*, Lizhou Zheng, et al. Lifecyle-Based Event Detection from Microblogs, full paper, WWW 2018. (CCF A)
  • 75. Wang Qingren, Sheng Victor S, Wu Xindong. Document-specific keyphrase candidate search and ranking, Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), 2018, 97: 163-176. 
  • 76. Yiwen Zhang, Kaibin Wang, Yuanyuan Zhou* and Qiang He, Enhanced Adaptive Cloudlet Placement Approach for Mobile Application on Spark. Security and Communication Networks. 2018. [论文下载] [源码下载]
  • 77. Yiwen Zhang, yuanyuan zhou, Xing Guo*, Jintao Wu, Qiang He, Xiao Liu, and Yun Yang. Self-Adaptive K-means based on Covering Algorithm [J]. Complexity, 2018. [论文下载]
  • 78. Yi-wen Zhang, Yuan-yuan Zhou, Fu-tian Wang, Zheng Sun, Qiang He. Service Recommendation based on Quotient Space Granularity Analysis and Covering Algorithm on Spark [J], Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS), Volume 147, 1 May 2018, Pages 25-35 [论文下载]
  • 79. Yiwen Zhang, Jin Li, Zhangbing Zhou, Xiao Liu*. Efficient Dynamic Service Maintenance for Edge Services [J]. IEEE Access, 2018, 6(1):8829-8840 [论文下载]
  • 80. 张以文, 汪开斌, 严远亭, 陈洁, 何强. 基于覆盖随机游走算法的服务质量预测[J], 计算机学报,2018,41(12) : 2756-2768. [论文下载]
  • 81. 张以文, 项涛, 郭星, 贾兆红, 何强. 基于SOM神经网络的服务质量预测[J]. 软件学报 , 2018,29(11):3388−3399. [论文下载]
  • 82. 张以文, 崔光明, 严远亭, 赵姝, 张燕平. 任务粒化的质量约束感知服务组合[J]. 计算机研究与发展,2018,55(6):1345-1355 [论文下载]
  • 83. 张以文,崔光明,郭星,张燕平.一种基于任务粒化的服务组合优化方法[J]. 电子学报,2018,46(1):245-251 [论文下载]
  • 84. Peiquan Jin*, Lin Mu, Lizhou Zheng, et al. News Feature Extraction for Events on Social Network Platforms, full paper WWW 2017.(CCF A)
  • 85. Wang Qingren, Sheng Victor S, Wu Xindong. Keyphrase extraction with sequential pattern mining, 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2017, USA. (CCF A类会议)
  • 86. Hui Dou, Yong Qi. An online electricity cost budgeting algorithm for maximizing green energy usage across data centers. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2017, 11(4):661-674.
  • 87. Hui Dou, Yong Qi, Wei Wei, Houbing Song. Carbon-aware electricity cost minimization for sustainable data centers. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, 2017, 2(2):211-223.
  • 88. Yiwen Zhang, Xiaofei Ai, Feifei Chen and Qiang He, et al. Personalized Quality Centric Service Recommendation[C]. 15th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2017), pp 528-544. (CCF B, Full paper, accepted rate<18%) [论文下载]
  • 89. Yiwen ZHANG, Guangming CUI, Jintao Wu, Wen-Tsao Pan, Qiang HE. A Novel Multi-Scale Cooperative Mutation Fruit Fly optimization Algorithm [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS), 2016, 114:24-35.(SCI) [论文下载] [源码下载]
  • 90. Yiwen ZHANG, Guangming CUI, Shu ZHAO, Jie TANG. IFOA4WSC: A quick and effective algorithm for QoS-aware service composition [J]. International Journal of Web and Grid Services, 2016, 12(1):81-108. (SCI) [论文下载]
  • 91. Yiwen ZHANG, Guangming CUI, Erzhou ZHU, Qiang He. AFOA: An Adaptive Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm with Stable Global Optimizing Ability [J]. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools. Vol. 25, No. 6 (2016) (SCI) [论文下载] [源码下载]
  • 92. Yiwen Zhang, Guangming Cui, Shuiguang Deng, Qiang He. Alliance-aware Service Composition Based on Quotient Space [C]//Web Services (ICWS), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2016: 340-347. (CCF B) [论文下载]
  • 93. Yiwen ZHANG, Guangming CUI, Yan WANG, et al. An Optimization Algorithm for Services Composition Based on an Improved FOA[J]. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2015, 20(1):90-99. (SCI) [论文下载]
  • 94. Yi-wen ZHANG,Jin-tao WU, Xing Guo, Guan-nan Lin. Optimizing Web Service Composition Based on Differential Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm [J]. International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics, 2016, 7(1):87-101. (EI)
  • 95. 张以文,吴金涛,赵姝,唐杰. 基于改进烟花算法的Web服务组合优化. 计算机集成制造系统[J], 2016, 22(2):422-432. (EI)
  • 96. Xing Guo, Jian Zhang,Wei Li and Yiwen Zhang*. A fruit fly optimization algorithm with a traction mechanism and its applications[J], International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2017, Vol. 13(11). (SCI)
  • 97. Xing Guo, Shi-chao Yin, Yi-wen Zhang and Wei Li*. Proportional-Integral-Derivative Controller Parameter Optimization Based on Improved Glowworm Swarm Optimization Algorithm[J]. Int. J. Computing Science and Mathematics, 2017, accepted, EI.
  • 98. Xing Guo, Shanshan Chen, Yiwen Zhang*. "Service Composition Optimization Method Based on Parallel Particle Swarm Algorithm on Spark." Security and Communication Networks 2017 (2017). (SCI)
  • 99. S Li,J Cui, H Zhong, Y Zhang, Q He. LEPA: A Lightweight and Efficient Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud-Assisted Wireless Body Sensor Networks [J]. Security & Communication Networks , 2017 (11) :1-16 (SCI)
  • 100. Yuanting Yan, Yanping Zhang, Yiwen Zhang, Xiuquan Du. A selective neural network ensemble classification for incomplete data, International Journal of machine learning and cybernetics, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/s13042-016-0524-0.
  • 101. 张以文,艾晓飞,崔光明,钱付兰. 一种基于用户兴趣矩阵及全局偏好的推荐算法, 计算机科学与探索,2018, 12(2):197-207.
  • 102. 王思臣, 涂辉,张以文. 基于不确定服务质量感知的云服务组合方法[J]. 计算机应用,2018,38( 10) : 2753 - 2758 [论文下载]
  • 103. Jin Ying, Zhang Yiwen*. Personalized recommendation algorithm based on LFM with QoS constraint[C]//2017 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress). IEEE, 2017: 488-493.
  • 104. 张以文,吴金涛. 基于动态Skyline和遗传粒子群算法的云服务组合优化[J]. 小型微型计算机系统, 37(11),2016.
  • 105. Yanping ZHANG, Zihui JING, Yiwen ZHANG*(Corresponding author). MR-IDPSO: A Novel Algorithm for Large-scale Dynamic Service Composition[J], Tsinghua Science and Technology, online,2015,20(6):602-612.
  • 106. Yuanting Yan, Yanping Zhang, Jie Chen, Yiwen Zhang. Incomplete data classification with voting based extreme learning machine, Neurocomputing, 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2016.01.068.
  • 107. 张燕平,张顺,钱付兰,张以文. 基于用户声誉的鲁棒协同推荐算法[J];自动化学报, 2015,41(5): 1004-1012.
  • 108. 张燕平,荆紫慧,张以文. 基于离散粒子群算法动态Web服务组合[J],计算机科学, 2015,42(6):71-75.
  • 109. 张以文,张铃,钱付兰,刘慧婷.云制造模式下云服务选择算法研究[J],小型微型计算机系统. 2014,35(11):2390-2395.
  • 110. 赵姝,吕靖,张燕平,张以文.不完整数据集的信息熵集成分类算法[J], 模式识别与人工智能, 2014,27(3):193-198.
  • 111. 窦晖, 齐勇, 王培健, 张恺玉. 一种最小化绿色数据中心电费的负载调度算法. 软件学报, 2014, 25(7):1448-1458.
  • 112. Peijian Wang, Yong Qi, Hui Dou, Lei Rao, Xue Liu. Present or future: Optimal pricing for spot instances. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2013:410-419.